OK this is a poll


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
mrfeg i think you should race this guys "M3 csl" in your 325 that has a HUGE engine that pops out from the front of the car and shoots flames out of the intake [rofl] [rofl] [hihi] [rofl]
Redding Ca
ok ...ok ...ok ..

Lets get back to the oringinal topic ..about the 850 series please ..i brung up alarm issues and a poll and me purchasing a 850i and folks are in la la land on another topic and issues about something totaly diffrent ..plus all the cussing and name calling aint cool at all )...where all here to help each other and to share idea's and have some clean fun on good issues ..about Bmw's i can understand people have there own thoughts but cussing and name calling is not cool ..il have to admit ..i seen alot of wasted subject matter so far since tom has started this site , il have to admit ..ive been wrong about certain issues myself ..but i dont cuss our write silly things ...also ..i just had to express this ..we have alot of cool members in here that are serious about there cars ..and for some they need advice and some help on there cars as well
so if you want to chatty chuck wasted subject matter go to the open topic forum please , And one more thing ..i am not directing this to a certain person ..it applies to me as well ..so show some respect ..here at Bmwboard.com i think adminstrator has done a good job for us to have a place to discuss issues about bmw's period .. [burnout]
Redding Ca
Know ..where was i

Finally got the 850i...chose not to get alarm ..because it had one already ..plus i took carfix advice in account why shell out more money when it has a built in alarm system plus the key is laser cut ..which i found out ..anyway ..for the next few days the car has been cool to own
everywhere i go ..people stare and go ..is that ..a ....i never seen one up close ...i went to a bmw dealer for info on a second key which is another story , anyway while i was in the parts dept ..i turned around and looked ..and the car had a mini crowd of salesman looking the car over ...i guess the car is such a classic ..they went nuts ..i think i got drilled about this and that ...while i was talking i was getting in the car and trying to go ...lol" as i left the dealer
i am on the freeway ..now i have a jet blk 740il which i gave to my wife ...i know what a 740il can do on the freeway ...before i knew it ..here comes a charcol grey one with a sport package say about a 2000 model ..now he saw me ...and sped up behind me so about 15 miles are so he was behind me ...so i figure il move over and let him go by ..so i can give respect ...as i got over ...he waved i waved ..then he punched it ....i go ...oh hell naw ...i got V12 power ..i punched it ...i caught him like a fly trap.... know were at speeds at 80 and going
as his speed climbs ...i push the pedal down some more as i hit 100mph my windows started to roll up ..and all of sudden ..pooof !!! i was gone ....i looked down and i was at 145mph ..
and the car was smooth as silk ....couldnt feel how fast i was going .....anyway i slowed down quick ..because in calif ..if you do over 100mph ...automatic jail ...no if's our buts ..so i slow down quick ..as he caught up to me ...he punched it again ...so this time we was going neck to neck for 10 miles ..then he started weaving in and out of traffic ..to get away ..i said thats it i am not going to kill myself ..so i let him go ...but il say this about the 850i the car is no joke
and the V12 has a nasty hidden power ...to sustain that power and still climb is nothin but
sweet apple pie ...i was so pumped up ..after that ...i was like wow " wooo weeee ...[driving] but i bet you wont see me do that again ..lol" for awile ...its a trip ...when your speed hits over 100mph the windows automatic roll up ..i was like dang ! also i am getting my windows lite tinted and also puting some new sz 245 50's on ...heres a quick pic ...[thumb] [burnout]


Lansing, Michigan
epj3 said:
mrfeg i think you should race this guys "M3 csl" in your 325 that has a HUGE engine that pops out from the front of the car and shoots flames out of the intake [rofl] [rofl] [hihi] [rofl]
Hahaha, I should do that, an M3 CSL would not last 5 seconds against my machine!

Okay here is my upgraded ride, color matched warp drives, euro taillights, and NEONZ!!!!

Oh yeah Dwayne, nice car, the 850i is a dream of mine, I wish I had a V12...[:(]
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Paderborn, Germany
what i like so much about the V12 is the engine sounds. it is very unique, and infact it is not a silent engine. the air box makes hell of a real opera when you open the throttle and the reving sounds so smooth. i always had the impression that the engine was louder than the exhaust....but not lous in a disturbing matter. you could just hear that there is a real powerplant at work.
